
[Method] How I have made $1,295 from one video using Fiverr + Youtube

Intro: So a few months ago I have noticed a sort of a trend on Youtube of big channels creating Fiverr videos. You probably know what I am talking about: all those videos of big content creators with click bait titles such as "I paid X on Fiverr and that's what I have got", "I hired X on Fiverr and then that happened", in all sort of different, crazy niches: Needless to say it sparked my interest and I have tried to dig deeper into it. A lot of those videos went viral easily, and I was wondering whether I can duplicate their success and if it would work for a smaller channel as well. I have went through hundreds of different similar Fiverr videos, trying to analyse them and figure out a sort of template of what makes them successful. The general concept of those videos is usually - The Youtuber choose a type of service that is offered on Fiverr, buy and test a few services with different price poi...